Source code for hepdata.modules.inspire_api.parser

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"""Functions for parsing the new INSPIRE JSON metadata."""

from copy import deepcopy

parsed_content_defaults = {
    'title': None,
    'doi': None,
    'authors': None,
    'type': [],
    'abstract': 'None',
    'creation_date': None,
    'arxiv_id': None,
    'collaborations': [],
    'keywords': [],
    'journal_info': 'No Journal Information',
    'year': None,
    'subject_area': [],

[docs]def get_title(metadata): """Get the title of the publication from the first value in list of english translations (if applicable) otherwise from first title in list of titles.""" title = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['title']) if 'title_translations' in metadata.keys(): for title_translation in metadata['title_translations']: if title_translation['language'] == 'en': title = title_translation['title'] if title is parsed_content_defaults['title'] and 'titles' in metadata.keys() and len(metadata['titles']) > 0: title = metadata['titles'][0]['title'] return title
[docs]def get_doi(metadata): """Get the DOI of the journal publication from the first value in the list of DOIs.""" doi = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['doi']) if 'dois' in metadata and len(metadata['dois']) > 0: doi = metadata['dois'][0]['value'] return doi
[docs]def get_authors(metadata): """Get the authors of the publication as a list of dictionaries with keys 'affiliation' and 'full_name'.""" authors = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['authors']) if 'authors' in metadata.keys(): authors = [{'affiliation': (author['affiliations'][0]['value'] if 'affiliations' in author.keys() else ''), 'full_name': author['full_name']} for author in metadata['authors']] return authors
[docs]def get_type(metadata): """Get the type of the publication.""" _type = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['type']) if 'document_type' in metadata.keys(): _type = metadata['document_type'] return _type
[docs]def get_abstract(metadata): """Get the abstract of the publication, ideally the one from the arXiv version, otherwise the first one.""" abstract = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['abstract']) if 'abstracts' in metadata.keys(): abstract = metadata['abstracts'][0]['value'] for _abstract in metadata['abstracts']: if 'value' in _abstract.keys() and 'source' in _abstract.keys() and _abstract['source'] == 'arXiv': abstract = _abstract['value'] return abstract
[docs]def get_creation_date(metadata): """Get the creation date of the publication, first try to expand the preprint_date, otherwise try legacy_creation_date.""" creation_date = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['creation_date']) if 'preprint_date' in metadata.keys(): creation_date = expand_date(metadata['preprint_date']) elif 'legacy_creation_date' in metadata: creation_date = metadata['legacy_creation_date'] return creation_date
[docs]def get_arxiv_id(metadata): """Get the arxiv id of the publication from the last value in the list of arxiv eprints.""" arxiv_id = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['arxiv_id']) if 'arxiv_eprints' in metadata.keys(): arxiv_id = 'arXiv:' + metadata['arxiv_eprints'][-1]['value'] return arxiv_id
[docs]def get_collaborations(metadata): """Get the collaborations of the publication as a list.""" collaborations = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['collaborations']) if 'collaborations' in metadata: collaborations = [collaboration['value'] for collaboration in metadata['collaborations']] return collaborations
[docs]def get_keywords(metadata): """Get the keywords of the publication.""" keywords = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['keywords']) if 'keywords' in metadata.keys(): keywords = metadata['keywords'] return keywords
[docs]def get_journal_info(metadata): """ Get the journal information of the publication. Format is 'title volume (year) article page_start-page_end' if at least one of these information is available, otherwise attempt to obtain it from 'pubinfo_freetext' or 'publication_info' or 'report_numbers' or 'public_notes'. Defaults to 'No Journal Information'. """ default_journal_info, journal_info = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['journal_info']), '' if 'publication_info' in metadata: if 'journal_title' in metadata['publication_info'][0].keys(): journal_info += metadata['publication_info'][0]['journal_title'] + ' ' if 'journal_volume' in metadata['publication_info'][0].keys(): journal_info += metadata['publication_info'][0]['journal_volume'] + ' ' if 'year' in metadata['publication_info'][0].keys(): journal_info += '(' + str(metadata['publication_info'][0]['year']) + ') ' if 'artid' in metadata['publication_info'][0].keys(): journal_info += metadata['publication_info'][0]['artid'] + ' ' if 'page_start' in metadata['publication_info'][0].keys() and 'page_end' in metadata['publication_info'][0].keys(): journal_info += metadata['publication_info'][0]['page_start'] + "-" + metadata['publication_info'][0]['page_end'] if journal_info != '': journal_info = journal_info.strip() # trim to remove whitespace return journal_info if ('publication_info' in metadata and len(metadata['publication_info']) > 0 and type(metadata['publication_info'][0]) is dict and 'pubinfo_freetext' in metadata['publication_info'][0].keys()): journal_info = metadata['publication_info'][0]['pubinfo_freetext'] elif 'report_numbers' in metadata and len(metadata['report_numbers']) > 0: journal_info = metadata['report_numbers'][0]['value'] elif ('public_notes' in metadata.keys() and any(['value' in public_note.keys() and "Submitted to " in public_note['value'] for public_note in metadata['public_notes']])): journal_info = [public_note['value'].replace("Submitted to ", "") for public_note in metadata['public_notes'] if ('value' in public_note.keys() and "Submitted to " in public_note['value'])][0] if '. All figures' in journal_info: journal_info = journal_info.replace('. All figures', '') if journal_info != '': return journal_info else: return default_journal_info
[docs]def get_year(metadata): """Get the year of the publication. Try first 'imprints/date', then 'publication_info/year', then 'preprint_date', and finally 'legacy_creation_date'.""" year = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['year']) if 'imprints' in metadata.keys() and any(['date' in imprint.keys() and len(imprint['date']) == 4 for imprint in metadata['imprints']]): year = [imprint['date'] for imprint in metadata['imprints'] if 'date' in imprint.keys() and len(imprint['date']) == 4][0] elif ('publication_info' in metadata and 'year' in metadata['publication_info'][0].keys()): year = str(metadata['publication_info'][0]['year']) elif 'preprint_date' in metadata.keys(): year = metadata['preprint_date'].split("-")[0] elif 'legacy_creation_date' in metadata: year = metadata['legacy_creation_date'].split("-")[0] return year
[docs]def get_subject_area(metadata): subject_area = deepcopy(parsed_content_defaults['subject_area']) if 'arxiv_eprints' in metadata.keys(): subject_area += metadata['arxiv_eprints'][-1]['categories'] if ('inspire_categories' in metadata.keys() and len(metadata['inspire_categories']) > 0): subject_area += [entry['term'].replace('Experiment-HEP', 'hep-ex').replace('Experiment-Nucl', 'nucl-ex').replace('Theory-Nucl', 'nucl-th') for entry in metadata['inspire_categories'] if 'term' in entry.keys() and entry['term'] != 'Other'] subject_area = list(set(subject_area)) return subject_area
[docs]def updated_parsed_content_for_thesis(content, parsed_content): parsed_content['dissertation'] = content['metadata']['thesis_info'] # fix dissertation/institutions -> dissertation/institution if there is only one if ('institutions' in parsed_content['dissertation'].keys() and len(parsed_content['dissertation']['institutions']) == 1 and 'name' in parsed_content['dissertation']['institutions'][0]): parsed_content['dissertation']['institution'] = parsed_content['dissertation']['institutions'][0]['name'] parsed_content['dissertation'].pop('institutions') # update year with thesis info if 'date' in content['metadata']['thesis_info'].keys(): parsed_content['year'] = content['metadata']['thesis_info']['date'] if parsed_content['year'] is not None: if content['metadata']['legacy_creation_date'][:4] == parsed_content['year']: parsed_content['creation_date'] = content['metadata']['legacy_creation_date'] else: parsed_content['creation_date'] = expand_date(parsed_content['year']) # fix capitals in dissertation/type if 'degree_type' in parsed_content['dissertation'].keys(): parsed_content['dissertation']['type'] = parsed_content['dissertation'].pop('degree_type').title() if parsed_content['dissertation']['type'] == "Phd": parsed_content['dissertation']['type'] = "PhD" # fix dissertation/defence_date string if 'date' in parsed_content['dissertation'].keys(): parsed_content['dissertation']['defense_date'] = parsed_content['dissertation'].pop('date') return parsed_content
[docs]def expand_date(value): """ In the case where the date is not completely formed, we need to expand it out. so 2012-08 will be 2012-08-01 and 2012 will be 2012-01-01. If nothing, we do nothing. """ if value == '': return value date_parts = value.split('-') if len(date_parts) == 1: date_parts.append('01') if len(date_parts) == 2: date_parts.append('01') return "-".join(date_parts)