Source code for hepdata.modules.records.utils.data_processing_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of HEPData.
# Copyright (C) 2016 CERN.
# HEPData is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# HEPData is distributed in the hope that it will be
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from flask import current_app
from collections import OrderedDict
import re

from hepdata.utils.miscellaneous import sanitize_html

[docs]def pad_independent_variables(table_contents): """ Pads out the independent variable column in the event that nothing exists. :param table_contents: :return: """ _dep_count = len(table_contents["dependent_variables"][0]['values']) _count = 0 _ind_vars = {"header": {"name": "", "units": ""}, "values": []} while _count < _dep_count: _ind_vars["values"].append({"value": ""}) _count += 1 table_contents["independent_variables"].append(_ind_vars)
[docs]def fix_nan_inf(value): """ Converts NaN, +inf, and -inf values to strings. :param value: :return: """ keys = ['value', 'high', 'low'] for key in keys: if key in value and str(value[key]) in current_app.config['SPECIAL_VALUES']: value[key] = str(value['value']) return value
[docs]def process_independent_variables(table_contents, x_axes, independent_variable_headers): if len(table_contents["independent_variables"]) == 0 and table_contents["dependent_variables"]: pad_independent_variables(table_contents) if table_contents["independent_variables"]: count = 0 for x_axis in table_contents["independent_variables"]: units = x_axis['header']['units'] if 'units' in x_axis['header'] else '' x_header = x_axis['header']['name'] if units: x_header += ' [' + units + ']' if x_header in x_axes: # sometimes, the x headers can be the same. # We must account for this. x_header += '__{0}'.format(count) x_axes[x_header] = [] independent_variable_headers.append( {"name": x_header, "colspan": 1}) if x_axis["values"]: # if x_header not in x_headers: for value in x_axis["values"]: x_axes[x_header].append(fix_nan_inf(value)) count += 1
[docs]def process_dependent_variables(group_count, record, table_contents, tmp_values, independent_variables, dependent_variable_headers): for y_axis in table_contents["dependent_variables"]: qualifiers = {} if "qualifiers" in y_axis: for qualifier in y_axis["qualifiers"]: # colspan = len(y_axis["qualifiers"][qualifier]) qualifier_name = qualifier["name"] if qualifier_name not in qualifiers: qualifiers[qualifier_name] = 0 else: qualifiers[qualifier_name] += 1 count = qualifiers[qualifier_name] qualifier_name = "{0}-{1}".format(qualifier_name, count) if qualifier_name not in record["qualifiers"].keys(): record["qualifier_order"].append(qualifier_name) record["qualifiers"][qualifier_name] = [] record["qualifiers"][qualifier_name].append( {"type": qualifier["name"], "value": str(qualifier["value"]) + ( ' ' + qualifier['units'] if 'units' in qualifier else ''), "colspan": 1, "group": group_count}) # attempt column merge for qualifier in record["qualifiers"]: values = record["qualifiers"][qualifier] merged_values = [] last_value = None for counter, value in enumerate(values): if not last_value: last_value = value else: if last_value["type"] == value["type"] and last_value["value"] == value["value"]: last_value["colspan"] += 1 else: merged_values.append(last_value) last_value = value if counter == len(values) - 1: merged_values.append(last_value) record["qualifiers"][qualifier] = merged_values units = y_axis['header']['units'] if 'units' in y_axis['header'] else '' y_header = y_axis['header']['name'] if units: y_header += ' [' + units + ']' dependent_variable_headers.append({"name": y_header, "colspan": 1}) count = 0 too_many_y_values = False for value in y_axis["values"]: if count not in tmp_values.keys(): # Check that number of y values does not exceed number of x values. for x_header in independent_variables: if count > len(independent_variables[x_header]) - 1: too_many_y_values = True if too_many_y_values: break x = [] for x_header in independent_variables: x.append(independent_variables[x_header][count]) tmp_values[count] = {"x": x, "y": []} y_record = value fix_nan_inf(y_record) y_record["group"] = group_count if "errors" not in y_record: y_record["errors"] = [{"symerror": 0, "hide": True}] else: # process the labels to ensure uniqueness observed_error_labels = {} for error in y_record["errors"]: error_label = error.get("label", "error") if error_label not in observed_error_labels: observed_error_labels[error_label] = 0 observed_error_labels[error_label] += 1 if observed_error_labels[error_label] > 1: error["label"] = error_label + "_" + str( observed_error_labels[error_label]) # append "_1" to first error label that has a duplicate if observed_error_labels[error_label] == 2: for error1 in y_record["errors"]: error1_label = error1.get("label", "error") if error1_label == error_label: error1["label"] = error1_label + "_1" break tmp_values[count]["y"].append(y_record) count += 1 group_count += 1
[docs]def generate_table_structure(table_contents): """ Creates a renderable structure from the table structure we've defined. :param table_contents: :return: a dictionary encompassing the qualifiers, headers and values """ record = {"name": table_contents["name"], "doi": table_contents["doi"], "location": table_contents["location"], "qualifiers": {}, "qualifier_order": [], "headers": [], "review": table_contents["review"], "associated_files": table_contents["associated_files"], "keywords": {}, "values": []} record["description"] = sanitize_html(table_contents["title"]) # add in keywords if table_contents['keywords'] is not None: for keyword in table_contents['keywords']: if not in record['keywords']: record['keywords'][] = [] if keyword.value not in record['keywords'][]: record['keywords'][].append(keyword.value) tmp_values = {} x_axes = OrderedDict() x_headers = [] process_independent_variables(table_contents, x_axes, x_headers) record["x_count"] = len(x_headers) record["headers"] += x_headers group_count = 0 yheaders = [] process_dependent_variables(group_count, record, table_contents, tmp_values, x_axes, yheaders) # attempt column merge last_yheader = None for counter, yheader in enumerate(yheaders): if not last_yheader: last_yheader = yheader else: if last_yheader["name"] == yheader["name"]: last_yheader["colspan"] += 1 else: record["headers"].append(last_yheader) last_yheader = yheader if counter == len(yheaders) - 1: record["headers"].append(last_yheader) for tmp_value in tmp_values: record["values"].append(tmp_values[tmp_value]) return record
[docs]def str_presenter(dumper, data): if "\n" in data: return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data, style='|') return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data)
[docs]def process_ctx(ctx, light_mode=False): for key_to_remove in ['show_review_widget', 'show_upload_area', 'show_upload_widget', 'coordinators', 'is_submission_coordinator_or_admin', 'is_admin']: ctx.pop(key_to_remove, None) if light_mode: ctx.pop('data_tables', None) else: site_url = current_app.config.get('SITE_URL', '') for data_table in ctx['data_tables']: for key_to_remove in ['review_status', 'review_flag']: data_table.pop(key_to_remove, None) if ctx['status'] == 'finished' and ctx['record']['inspire_id']: _recid = 'ins{}'.format(ctx['record']['inspire_id']) elif 'recid' in ctx['record']: _recid = ctx['record']['recid'] else: _recid = ctx['recid'] _cleaned_table_name = data_table['name'].replace('%', '%25').replace('\\', '%5C') data_table['data'] = { 'json': '{0}/download/table/{1}/{2}/json'.format( site_url, _recid, _cleaned_table_name), 'root': '{0}/download/table/{1}/{2}/root'.format( site_url, _recid, _cleaned_table_name), 'csv': '{0}/download/table/{1}/{2}/csv'.format( site_url, _recid, _cleaned_table_name), 'yoda': '{0}/download/table/{1}/{2}/yoda'.format( site_url, _recid, _cleaned_table_name), 'yaml': '{0}/download/table/{1}/{2}/yaml'.format( site_url, _recid, _cleaned_table_name)} return ctx