Source code for hepdata.modules.records.utils.workflow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of HEPData.
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from datetime import datetime
import uuid

from invenio_pidstore.minters import recid_minter
from invenio_records import Record

from hepdata.modules.permissions.models import SubmissionParticipant
from invenio_db import db

from hepdata.modules.records.utils.common import get_record_by_id

[docs]def create_data_structure(ctx): """ The data structures need to be normalised before being stored in the database. This is performed here. :param ctx: record information as a dictionary :return: a cleaned up representation. """ title = ctx.get('title') if type(ctx.get('title')) is list and len(ctx.get('title')) > 0: title = ctx.get('title')[0] first_author = {} authors = ctx.get('authors', []) if authors is not None and len(authors) > 0: first_author = authors[0] record = {"title": title, "abstract": str(ctx.get('abstract')), "inspire_id": ctx.get("inspire_id"), "first_author": first_author, "authors": authors } optional_keys = ["related_publication", "recid", "keywords", "dissertation", "type", "control_number", "doi", "creation_date", "year", "hepdata_doi", "last_updated", "data_endpoints", "collaborations", "journal_info", "uploaders", "reviewers", "subject_area", "arxiv_id"] for key in optional_keys: if key in ctx: record[key] = ctx[key] if "recid" == key: record[key] = ctx[key] return record
[docs]def update_record(recid, ctx): """ Updates a record given a new dictionary. :param recid: :param ctx: :return: """ print('Updating record {}'.format(recid)) record = get_record_by_id(recid) for key, value in ctx.items(): record[key] = value record["recid"] = recid record.commit() db.session.commit() return record
[docs]def create_record(ctx): """ Creates the record in the database. :param ctx: The record metadata as a dictionary. :return: the recid and the uuid """ record_information = create_data_structure(ctx) record_id = uuid.uuid4() pid = recid_minter(record_id, record_information) record_information['recid'] = int(pid.pid_value) record_information['uuid'] = str(record_id) Record.create(record_information, id_=record_id) db.session.commit() return record_information
[docs]def update_action_for_submission_participant(recid, user_id, action): SubmissionParticipant.query.filter_by( publication_recid=recid, role=action, user_account=user_id) \ .update(dict(action_date=datetime.utcnow())) try: db.session.commit() except Exception: db.session.rollback()