Source code for

# This file is part of HEPData.
# Copyright (C) 2016 CERN.
# HEPData is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# HEPData is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with HEPData; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""HEPData Search Views."""
import datetime
import json
import sys

from flask import Blueprint, request, render_template, jsonify
from hepdata.config import CFG_DATA_KEYWORDS
from hepdata.ext.elasticsearch.api import search as es_search, \
    search_authors as es_search_authors, get_all_ids as es_get_all_ids
from hepdata.modules.records.utils.common import decode_string
from hepdata.modules.records.api import get_all_ids as db_get_all_ids
from hepdata.utils.session import get_session_item, set_session_item
from hepdata.utils.url import modify_query
from .config import LIMIT_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

blueprint = Blueprint('es_search',

[docs]def calculate_total_pages(query_result, max_results): """ Calculate the overall number of pages of results given the number of hits and max number of records displayed per page. """ total_hits = query_result['total'] total_pages = total_hits // max_results if not total_hits % max_results == 0: total_pages += 1 return total_pages
[docs]def check_page(args): """ Get the page query parameter from the URL and if it doesn't exist assign a default value. """ page = args.get('page', '1') try: page = int(page) if page < 1: raise ValueError except ValueError: page = 1 args['page'] = page
[docs]def check_max_results(args): """ Get the size query parameter from the URL and if it doesn't exist assign a default value. """ max_results = args.get('size', HEPDATA_CFG_DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_PAGE) try: max_results = int(max_results) except ValueError: max_results = HEPDATA_CFG_DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_PAGE if max_results < 1: max_results = HEPDATA_CFG_DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_PAGE elif max_results > LIMIT_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE: max_results = LIMIT_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE args['size'] = max_results
[docs]def check_date(args): """ Get the date parameter from the URL and if it doesn't exist assign a default value. """ min_date = sys.maxsize max_date = sys.maxsize * -1 if 'date' in args: date_length = len(args['date']) if date_length == 4 or date_length == 9: if args['date'] is not '': dates = args['date'].split(',') min_date = int(dates[0]) max_date = min_date if len(dates) > 1: max_date = int(dates[1]) years = [] if len(dates) == 1 or dates[0] == dates[1]: years = [min_date] else: for year in range(min_date, max_date + 1): years.append(year) args['date'] = years else: del args['date'] return min_date, max_date
[docs]def check_cmenergies(args): """ Get the cmenergies query parameter from the URL and convert to floats """ cmenergies = args.get('cmenergies', None) if cmenergies: try: cmenergies = [float(x) for x in cmenergies.split(',', 1)] args['cmenergies'] = cmenergies except ValueError: del args['cmenergies']
[docs]def sort_facets(facets): """Sort the facets in an arbitrary way that we think is appropriate.""" order = { 'date': 1, 'collaboration': 2, 'subject_areas': 3, 'phrases': 4, 'reactions': 5, 'observables': 6, 'cmenergies': 7, 'author': 8 } facets = sorted(facets, key=lambda x: order[x['type']]) return facets
[docs]def filter_facets(facets, total_hits): """ For the data keywords, show only the ones with >10 count, if there is more than 100 hits altogether. Filter out the empty ones. """ HITS = 50 THRESHOLD = 10 if total_hits > HITS: keyword_facets = [f for f in facets if f['type'] in CFG_DATA_KEYWORDS] for facet in keyword_facets: vals = [v for v in facet['vals'] if v['doc_count'] is None or v['doc_count'] >= THRESHOLD] facet['vals'] = vals nonempty_facets = [kf for kf in facets if len(kf['vals']) > 0] return nonempty_facets
[docs]def parse_query_parameters(request_args): """ Get query parameters from the request and preprocess them. :param request_args: [dict-like structure] Any structure supporting get calls :result: [dict] Parsed parameters """ args = dict(request_args) min_date, max_date = check_date(args) check_cmenergies(args) check_page(args) check_max_results(args) filters = [] for filter in HEPDATA_CFG_FACETS: if filter in args: filters.append((filter, args[filter])) return { 'q': args.get('q', ''), 'sorting_field': args.get('sort_by', ''), 'sorting_order': args.get('sort_order', ''), 'size': args['size'], 'current_page': args['page'], 'offset': (args['page'] - 1) * args['size'], 'filters': filters, 'min_date': min_date, 'max_date': max_date }
[docs]@blueprint.route('/authors', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def search_authors(): author_name = request.args.get('q', '') results = es_search_authors(author_name) return jsonify({'results': results})
[docs]def get_facet(facets, facet_name): for facet in facets: if facet['printable_name'] is facet_name: return facet['vals'] return None
[docs]def process_year_facet(request, facets): url_path = modify_query('.search', **{'date': None}) year_facet = get_session_item(url_path) if len(year_facet) == 0 or (request.full_path[:-1] == url_path or request.full_path == url_path): # we update the facet if there is no value stored in the session, # or if the base url is the same as the stripped url year_facet = get_facet(facets, 'Date') if year_facet: year_facet = {decode_string(json.dumps(year_facet))} set_session_item(url_path, year_facet) if year_facet and len(year_facet) > 0: year_facet = list(year_facet)[0] return year_facet
[docs]@blueprint.route('/ids', methods=['GET']) def all_ids(): """ Get IDs for all records (since a given date) as a JSON list of integers. Accepts query parameters: - ``inspire_ids``: if set to a truthy value, return inspire IDs rather than HEPData record IDs - ``last_updated``: return IDs updated since given date (in format YYYY-mm-dd) - ``sort_by``: if set to ``latest``, sort the results latest first - ``use_es``: if set to a truthy values, use ElasticSearch rather than the database to return the ids """ id_field = 'recid' if _get_bool_parameter(request, 'inspire_ids'): id_field = 'inspire_id' sort_latest_first = request.args.get('sort_by') == 'latest' last_updated = None last_updated_str = request.args.get('last_updated') if last_updated_str: try: last_updated = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_updated_str, '%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError: return jsonify({ "error": "Unable to parse date from last_updated value %s. " "last_updated should be in format YYYY-mm-dd" % last_updated_str }), 400 try: if _get_bool_parameter(request, 'use_es'): ids = es_get_all_ids(id_field=id_field, last_updated=last_updated, latest_first=sort_latest_first) else: ids = db_get_all_ids(id_field=id_field, last_updated=last_updated, latest_first=sort_latest_first) except ValueError as e: return jsonify({ "error": "Error getting ids: %s" % e }), 400 return jsonify([x for x in ids])
def _get_bool_parameter(request, name): string_value = request.args.get(name, '').lower() return string_value and string_value.lower() not in ['false', 'f']