Source code for hepdata.utils.twitter

# This file is part of HEPData.
# Copyright (C) 2016 CERN.
# HEPData is free software; you can redistribute it
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# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
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"""Twitter API."""

from hepdata.modules.records.utils.common import encode_string, decode_string, truncate_string
from twitter import Twitter
from twitter import OAuth
from hepdata.config import USE_TWITTER, TWITTER_HANDLE_MAPPINGS
from flask import current_app
import json
from unicodeit import replace
import re

[docs]def tweet(title, collaborations, url, version=1): """ Announce addition or revision of a HEPData record on Twitter. :param title: :param collaborations: :param url: :param version: :return: """ if USE_TWITTER: OAUTH_TOKEN = current_app.config['OAUTH_TOKEN'] OAUTH_SECRET = current_app.config['OAUTH_SECRET'] CONSUMER_KEY = current_app.config['CONSUMER_KEY'] CONSUMER_SECRET = current_app.config['CONSUMER_SECRET'] if not OAUTH_TOKEN or not OAUTH_SECRET or not CONSUMER_KEY or not CONSUMER_SECRET: # log this error print("Twitter credentials must be supplied!") else: twitter = Twitter(auth=OAuth(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)) cleaned_title = decode_string(encode_string(title)) # in case of binary characters in title cleaned_title = replace(cleaned_title) # use UnicodeIt to replace LaTeX expressions cleaned_title = cleanup_latex(cleaned_title) # remove some remaining LaTeX encodings words = len(cleaned_title.split()) # Try to tweet with complete paper title. # If tweet exceeds 280 characters, keep trying with one less word each time. tweeted = False while words and not tweeted: try: if version == 1: status = "Added{0} data on \"{1}\" to {2}".format( get_collaboration_string(collaborations), truncate_string(cleaned_title, words), url) else: status = "Revised{0} data on \"{1}\" at {2}?version={3}".format( get_collaboration_string(collaborations), truncate_string(cleaned_title, words), url, version) twitter.statuses.update(status=status) tweeted = True print("Tweeted: {}".format(status)) except Exception as e: # It would be nice to get a stack trace here if e.e.code == 403: error = json.loads(e.response_data.decode('utf8')) if error["errors"][0]["code"] == 186: # Status is over 140 characters. words = words - 1 # Try again with one less word. else: break else: break if not tweeted: print(e.__str__()) print("(P) Failed to post tweet for record {0}".format(url))
[docs]def cleanup_latex(latex_string): """Replace some spurious LaTeX encoding characters and expressions.""" chars_to_replace = ["$", "{", "}"] for char_to_replace in chars_to_replace: latex_string = latex_string.replace(char_to_replace, "") latex_string = latex_string.replace("~", " ") exprs_to_replace = [r"\\mathrm\s*", r"\\text\s*", r"\\rm\s*"] for expr_to_replace in exprs_to_replace: latex_string = re.sub(expr_to_replace, "", latex_string) return latex_string
[docs]def get_collaboration_string(collaborations): __to_return = "" if collaborations: for collaboration in collaborations: if collaboration.lower() in TWITTER_HANDLE_MAPPINGS: __to_return += " {0}".format(TWITTER_HANDLE_MAPPINGS[collaboration.lower()]) else: __to_return += " #{0}".format(collaboration) return __to_return